Well this is where all the stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else goes. Occasionally there will be Secondhand Stuff. There will be traders who either don't or didn't have a website - so I let them have a page or two - that way I can always find their price lists!. They are not connected to the Summerlands Chuffer business other than being customers or suppliers to my own railway.
Other stuff goes on here as it takes my fancy. There is a page with a few recommendations for reading and one on the Launceston Steam Railway
Simon Whenmouth supplies new and second hand locos and most other garden railway stuff.
(updated 31st July 2016)
Roy Wood is a good friend and makes the Janet and De Winton locos as well as supplying lots of spares.
Peter Binnie makes excellent wheels, axleboxes and some wagons. I use them in all my scratchbuilding.
Mike Johnson supplies high quality laser cut kits for rolling stock.
John Besley supplies castings for the 7/8ths scale - both in railways and traction engines
This is Nick Harling, a superb artist specialising in railway subjects.
Including Talisman Castings for 16mm and 7/8ths and Busybodies at Modelearth as well as the Modelearth kits and services
The suppliers of the incredible Slomo
A limited edition print from Nick Harling. See the new Tractionart page
Nick Harling