Fitting an SSP Slomo

Terry Robinson has produced some fitting videos which you can find on the SSP Website


These notes are from my experience of fitting three and relate to Mike Jackson's Roundhouse Jack. With Katie and Billie, there is no need to remove the body.

Fitting the Slomo to a Roundhouse Jack



Slomo 1 Slomo 3 Slomo Roundhouse Jack Fitting Notes 1a

Jack with the body removed. This loco has Locoworks running plates and springs fitted.

Slomo 4

A little heat from a micro torch freed the allen screw

Slomo 5

Removing the frame spacer

The Slomo oiled and ready to fit with O rings in position.

Slomo 6

Freeing the fly cranks.

Slomo instructions 2a Slomo 7

Removing a wheel

Slomo 2

Fitting the Slomo clamps


The Slomo in position between the axles and frames. Note the non-insulated wheels.