Brian Wilson's Hunslet Jack - Smokebox options

There are a number of options open to the bulider who wishes to achieve to the characteristic "Jack" smokebox:


1. To cut it from steel plate to the instructions given in Garden Rail Magazine. This involves turning special spacer rivets and assembling the smokebox with rivets and bolts.


2. To purchase laser cut steel parts from Model Engineer's Laser

Construction is as in No 1 above - see part numbers below.

Rivet smokebox Laser CB 2

3.  To purchase laser cut steel parts to a Model Engineer's Laser 'tabbed construction' design. This version is assembled with silver solder - see part numbers below.

Smokebox Parts ME Laser CB 2

4. To purchase a ready made smokebox with a chimney and cap. This was originally a 3D printing but is now a built up casting. It is available direct from Brian Wilson.

Prices - plus postage


12674          £3.91

12675          £7.87 (for two needed)

12676          £3.61

12677          £3.22

12678          £4.08

Prices - plus postage


12677       £3.22

12696       £2.81

12697       £2.86

12698       £3.26

12699       £1.85

Smokebox Cast Brass(1)c